
Investing in NFTs? Here are Investment Strategies Picked by 42 Studio

15 May 2022

The digital space has never seen anything like non-fungible tokens, or NFTs for short. The main talk of the town is here to set the world as we know it on fire and rebuild it in a new, completely digital way. Safety and digital proof-of-ownership first! 

The immense hype comes as no surprise, as the NFT space grows exponentially month after month. The mainstream media might not understand the concept and may scare you with misleading titles that underline scams and malpractice. Luckily for you, 42 Studio knows that this is the investment of the future and that you should enter the space as soon as possible and be well-prepared. 

Of course, as with any investment, it’s crucial to make informed decisions. This article is dedicated to the most promising investment strategies tied to non-fungible tokens. Keep reading and get ready to enter the exciting world of possibilities with NFTs.

Are NFTs a Good Investment and How to Invest?

The majority of the digital community now trades NFTs, and thanks to the ongoing craze, there’s a low chance of finding a person that never heard of these tokens. Not to mention that you can assign virtually anything to them, physical objects, too.

If we look at the stats and the fact that the use cases for NFTs keep growing, making them almost fusible with any industry, it leads to a conclusion that they are a very safe way of profiting. If you play your cards right, you might experience all the benefits of this flourishing space.

Investment Strategies 

As promised, 42 Studio comes to the rescue, giving you the investment strategies to clarify your investment path on the NFT highway. After careful research and market observation, here are five fields that you should be looking into:

NFT Digital Art Investment

NFTs got their first shot at widespread popularity because of their remarkable ability to trade digital art online. The art world was the first to taste the many benefits of these tokens, as their main objective collides with the very nature of art. 

But hold on, it’s not just about trading digital art, though; it’s mainly about securing its ownership and value on the blockchain network. So, securing ownership was the main appeal of the community. This is why investing in digital artwork could be a solid next investment move.

As the pioneers of NFTs, digital artworks are the most sold non-fungible tokens in any existing market, so the market’s main focus is still art, although the space is branching out. Their availability is also one more solid reason for NFT investors to consider NFT artworks.

NFT Real Estate Investment

When we look at the facts, real estate is a field with massive trading volume and a large domain. When talking about trading domains, the most important factor is the concept of ownership. The real estate world sees many complications when it comes to transferring ownership. The intermediaries are yet again to blame; banks, central authorities, and financial institutions.  

This is where NFTs swoop in to save every human trying to own real estate and avoid the hassle of bureaucracy and complicated paperwork. If we convert all the legal documents into NFTs, it will secure ownership of the asset in question. 

If you usually invest in real estate, imagine how this exciting twist can change the game and make things easier. Compared to the centralized real estate investment version, the NFT option makes it a first-class investment strategy.

NFT Games Investment

We said art blossomed with the help of NFTs, but the latest hype is around the gaming industry. Of course, we’re talking about the play-to-earn concept and billions of dollars in market cap. 

The blockchain sector is welcoming a new industry into its CV, and all thanks to NFTs. Players can now earn money by playing the game, a never-seen-before feature. NFT games are the perfect playground for investors looking to venture into NFTs. With many new protocols being introduced, like staking and yield pools, investors should hurry and redirect their funds towards NFT games.

NFT Marketplace Investment

Want to sell, trade, or buy NFTs? An NFT market is the (market)place to be! A special platform created on top of a certain blockchain that’s what an NFT marketplace is. The blockchain does its magic here by securing each transaction and detail regarding trades.

It’s safe to say that this blooming marketplace is an amazing opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors alike. If, say, you invest in an NFT marketplace and its development, this will bring a large number of new users. As for the revenue, it’s generated through the fees, auction and minting fees, and more.

Want revenue in a short period of time? Then invest in an NFT marketplace, and watch the magic unfold before you. 

NFT Marketing

Finally, our last investment strategy preposition is NFT marketing. It’s close to perfect when it comes to bringing in new users. By promoting the marketplace, you are increasing user entrants to the platform.

Wondering what NFT marketing includes? Well, the usual; social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, ads, and more. Like the previous ones, this investment strategy opens the possibility of gaining immense future revenue.

Final Thoughts

Nowadays, NFTs are a synonym for digital success. Thanks to their huge popularity and a forever trending nature, NFTs have become an excellent investing platform. The future seems promising for this marketplace, with estimates saying the market cap will reach astonishing highs. 

42 Studio has got you covered! We advise you to look into the option, give it a thought and start your NFT journey, but smartly. And finally, if you found this article super helpful, be sure to get your eyes on the rest of them here

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