
How to Rebrand Your Business Part 2

28 Feb 2022

As we revised in the first article dedicated to this subject, rebranding is all about the growth and evolution of your business. The main goal is to provide your brand with a new, fresher personality. 

Whether you’re offering new services, introducing new products, or only updating the color palette of your logo, taking it seriously is a necessity. By doing it, your chances of reaching the goals you set for this process will be higher. 

It’s also worth mentioning that it’s vital to create the right strategy for your business since the reputation of your organization is on the line. To rebrand your business properly you will require an investment in the form of time and money, so it’s better not to miss the mark. 

Now that we have established why it’s important to do it and that there are different categories to it, let’s talk about the steps to follow. 

Recruiting a Team to Rebrand Your Business

On your mark, set, go! Once your company decides it’s time to refresh, rebrand, partially or all in, the first thing to do is to gather your team to do it. Copywriters, marketers, PR, designers, you need a diverse team to make sure you cover all fronts. Of course, always keep in mind that it will all depend on the scope of work you plan for your brand’s refreshment.

So, is it really necessary to outsource a team for this? Of course, no one knows your business better than the in-house team, but it’s always a good idea to bring an outside view to the mix. After all, what your company is looking for is to provide a new outlook for your brand, and to do this having a fresh pair of eyes works like a charm.

An Assessment Is A Must

Before you start changing elements here and there, the task is to figure out what isn’t working. It will be necessary to perform an audit of the current brand strategy to find out what should stay and what is no longer working for your business. 

To succeed in this task, there are a few basic pointers to consider. These will help you keep track of what you should put under the microscope. Be as precise as possible to define your brand’s performance on each of them:

  • Name of the company
  • Logo
  • Slogan 
  • Brand Positioning
  • Color palette
  • Typography
  • Advertising and marketing campaigns
  • Affiliates and partnerships
  • Presence on social media
  • Creation of content
  • Web design
  • App design 

First, perform a revision of your marketing and sales data. Your previous sales info should help you see your current brand’s weaknesses and strengths. Your online info is another resource that will help you, particularly, your traffic, marketing campaign performance, and social media following. Take a look at what channels work best for you and try to understand why.

After this preliminary check, you and your team should have a good idea of what you should focus on and what should be your next step. However, the work shouldn’t rely only on instinct and guesswork. To successfully rebrand your business you’ll also need feedback from the same audience you’re trying to impress.

Test Your Target Audience

At this point, your team should have some theories and ideas for what kind of rebranding you should aim for. While diving head-first with those ideas may sound thrilling, it would be better if you sit back and refine the plan by gathering data directly from your target audience.

Reach out to your clients and get feedback straight from them, like a user test. The details will depend on you, the point is to define not only the specifics of what needs to change but also how. 

Study Your Competitors

For both processes, branding, and rebranding, it’s always an enriching experience to take a look at what competitors are doing. In the fast-paced world we live in, it’s not enough to create a perfect strategy for the audience. Your brand should also have intel on what competitors have going on. This will help you figure out what features of your product should be enhanced to make your brand stand out from the crowd. 

Studying the branding strategy of your competitors can reveal good ideas as well as bad ideas to avoid. Keep an open mind, there are a lot of insights you can obtain from analyzing your competition, from how they spread their advertising budgets to price points. 

Rethink Your Brand’s Personality

By now the rebranding team should have a clear idea of what needs to change, what your customers want, and what your competitors are up to. Based on that, you will be able to start building your brand’s new personality, but never without a plan. 

Use what you have learned to define what type of brand you should become. Establish what kind of brand would satisfy your customers best and succeed regardless of the competition. Consider all essential elements, such as the business model, marketing budget, value points, and branding resources, and figure a way to align them in your process.

Final Word

By now you can understand the many wonders that rebranding can provide for your business. As we’ve mentioned throughout these two articles, it’s important to do it right and not leave loose ends to chance. Once you get the right team to work with you, your business will be ready to thrive! 

It just so happens that 42 Studio has the perfect team of experts to help your brand get to the next level, so contact us today! We’ll be thrilled to hear from you and show you what we mean.

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